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Gabriella Bakus

College Applications: Deadlines and Advice

Seniors––the time has come for all the college applications we’ve been warned about. With application deadlines looming, here is some important information you should be aware of:

1. UC Applications

The application submission window is open from October 1st - November 30th. Remember, you will need to ask your counselor for your CA SSID in addition to Tesoro’s CEEB Code: 053-149. You do not need letters of recommendation, and you can use this application for all 9 campuses. The application fee ($80.00 per campus) can be waived for up to 4 campuses if you qualify for a fee waiver. Start your UC Application if you have not already at

2. Common App

Over 1,000 public and/or private colleges use the Common Application. You can enter all pertinent information in the Common App along with a personal statement that all of your colleges can access. Deadlines vary for each college and can be found either in Common App or on the college website. Start your Common Application now at If you are applying to a college that does not use Common App, you can start an application through the university’s website.

3. Cal State Applications

Applying to Cal States is often considered a bit less daunting than applying to other schools. There are no letters of recommendation or essays required in this application. Similar to the UC App, the application submission window is open from October 1st - November 30th, and this one application applies to all 23 campuses. You will also need a CEEB Code (053-149). Start your Cal State Application now at

4. Community College

Community College is another route students can choose to take. Students can go to community college and transfer to a 4-year university through the Transfer Agreement Guarantee (TAG) Program; students are guaranteed a spot at a select UC campus after 2 years. A similar program, Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) guarantees transfer to a CSU campus after 2 years. Students can also earn their Associates (AA) Degree from community college. Community college can also be a huge money-saver with the Promise Program where you can qualify for free tuition and books for the first two years at community college. Some nearby community colleges include Saddleback College (, Irvine Valley College (, and Orange Coast College (

5. Final Tips

Seniors––do not hesitate to reach out to your counselors if you need help with the application process or with deciphering any paperwork you need to submit to your applications. If you need help with your essays, starting Oct. 1st, there will be essay and application support offered in the College and Career Center every Thursday during tutorial and lunch.

Juniors––start developing relationships with your teachers this year so you can have solid teacher recommendations when you begin the application process.


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