About Us
Everything In and Around the Life of a Titan
Why a student newspaper at Tesoro? Here’s why!
A school the caliber of Tesoro, with people moving to the district to attend, should absolutely have a student newspaper. The Titan Tribune is a place for kids to learn to debate and discuss in a safe environment all while learning to communicate clearly.
The newspaper encourages student creativity and critical thinking, without preaching. It can be a place to see important issues to students and another place for Tesoro staff to share ideas that student writers can build on. It helps develop communication skills and team work with different groups of students as they come together to tell their unique stories. It offers an opportunity for students to learn marketable skills in social media, writing, and conveying a message.
Join us to tell the stories of Tesoro High School!
Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
Nicolette Givogri
News Editor
Seth Skaff
Sports Editor
Parker Wolfe
Games Editor
Kasey Kim
Features Editor
Nina Geyfman
Opinions Editor
Ethan Xie
Multimedia Manager
McCartney Minter
Photo Editor
Lukas Andrews
News Team
Editor: Seth Skaff
Zeren Dang
Photo Team
Editor: Lukas Andrews
Sports Team
Editor: Parker Wolfe
Max Draper
Matthew Last​​
Opinions Team
Editor: Ethan Xie
Katie Orologas
Alistair Geis
Features Team
Editor: Nina Geyfman
Podcast Team
Editor: McCartney Minter